Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's My Duty to Rock this Booty!

I think this title may have some sexual connotations, however, that isn't why I wrote it. The truth of the matter is my booty is getting big. My thighs are rubbing a little too quickly and often times are excusing each other as they "brush" past.

I need to face some facts. This is not how I envisioned my pregnancy to be. I'm pretty upset with myself right now and can't believe that I've let myself go. I may just become a regular Kate Hudson, with a 70 pound pregnancy weight gain, which isn't a fair comparison because my starting weight wasn't 90 pounds.

I forgive myself for October and most of November. I couldn't move and anything unrelated to the couch or my bed was too much to handle. But I feel SOOO much better these days. There is no excuse!

I was a work-out gal before this baby thing happened. Four to five times a week I had my little routines. Monday was running 2-3 miles and an hour long yoga class, Tuesday was my weight lifting class with either the elliptical or a yoga class before it, Wednesday was my running and yoga again, and Thursday was elliptical and weightlifting class. Don't even touch my Saturday mornings. It was a hardcore run or weightlifting class followed by the most intense power yoga class ever. I was in heaven everytime I left the gym at 12:00.

One would think that I weighed 120 pounds with this much exercise, but I'm an eater. I love food and ate enough to maintain a healthy weight around 133 pounds. Good enough, I thought!

Since feeling much better, I'm back to my lovely eating ways sans exercise. Whoops. I don't have that kind of metabolism to eat that much without some physical counteraction. I am mad at myself. I don't know what has been keeping me from walking through the doors of LA Fitness, but I have been terrified to go. It was like I had this new body. It wasn't as tone or strong. I couldn't get on the treadmill and start running at 6.0 like I used to, I couldn't walk into my weightlifting class and push myself as hard as before, and seriously, would a yoga class be that beneficial? I can't lay on my stomach or bend as well. Can I even do a push-up anymore? I didn't even want to find out!

Shame on me!! I know better than that! I was making up stinkin' excuses! I fell off the wagon. Even if there wasn't a baby in my belly, I would still have a thousand other excuses why I'm not going. I hate when this happens.

So I've worked out two days in a row today and they weren't filled with hardcore runs or weightlifting, but the elliptical machine and those dainty weightlifting machines I used to scoff at. I'm so proud of myself. It isn't about my thighs rubbing together or my butt getting big, it's about having a more successful labor and delivery and a more content baby. It's about not getting gestational diabetes and making it so much easier to take the weight off after the baby comes.

The reasons for working out before were probably a lot more vanity-driven. Now I need to shift paradigms and create new exercise routines for new goals these next few months. I bought a prenatal yoga video that I feel more comfortable doing that keeps those goals in mind. If you have any ideas that helped with your pregnancy, labor, delivery, or post-partum, leave me a comment. I need a new kind of help with my routine!


Jenny said...

Get in the pool! I know I've said it a thousand times to you.

We belong to LA Fitness too and I bet yours has a water aerobic class just like ours.

Go on and buy the cheapest maternity swim suit you can find. All the grannies in the class won't care what you wear. And when they realize you're pregnant they will dote on you like you are the Queen of Sheba.

2to4aday said...

I have no advice to give because I did it all wrong in my day. Listen to Jenny--she's a new mom and looks terrific!

Steph said...

I feel like this should be a song..It's my la la..
I haven't been preggers but my other friends that have are huge fans of the pool..even just swimming laps with the kickboard =)You can hit our pool and we can do our own water aerobics when it warms up!