Friday, January 9, 2009


I have been on a hiatus from my blog for a few my brother told me, he can tell when I am back at school. I think I was putting too much pressure to write amazing tales. So now I'll keep them short and sweet and more like a journal of things that are happening!

I'm so glad it's Friday. This was the first week back from vacation. I had a great week with my students. They were lovely and wonderful. I love my new reading class, so bright and eager to please. I get to give out awards this afternoon to students who worked extra hard for good grades and I can't wait to make their weekends. But I am looking forward to MY weekend. It makes the hard work I put in this week balance with the time I get to see Casey, friends and family. I also love my yoga class on Saturday mornings and the five dollar footlong from Subway that I split with Casey for lunch.

I wish to you all great and balancing weekends! What makes your weekend good? Is there something that you look forward to? I would love to hear your thoughts!


2to4aday said...

Since you are a good Catholic girl, I assumed "going to church" would be numero uno. Would you like to rewrite this before some people get the wrong idea????!!!!???

j9 said...

I really did go to church fact all day because I am a sponsor for a friend!